Saturday, March 14, 2009

Republican Voters will have all the fun at the May Primary as they alone elect the two newest Forks Supervisors

Empty-Chairs-Meeting-Room Forks Republican voters have five candidates for the two open slots on the Forks Board of Supervisors.  Democratic voters have none.

The Express Times and the Morning Call published articles listing the Municipal Primary candidates.  Forks Supervisors Bonnie Nicholas and Don Miller were not on the list.  Neither filed nominating petitions and neither are seeking re-election.  Both are Democrats.

No matter what these two Supervisors' reasons for not running, Forks registered Democrats are left without candidates in the Municipal Primary.  It will be Forks Republican voters who decide who the next Supervisors will be and it will be done in the Republican Primary.


Anonymous said...

Miller gone....About darn time! Perhaps now the patronage jobs awarded to his crew will also come to an end.

Henning Holmgaard?!?! Lest we ever forget that he, Miller, and Hoff were the catalyst of the massive, and uncontrolled growth in Forks Township.

Billings...loose cannon on deck IMO. I don't know the other three yet, so no comment for the moment.

Penn's Ridger said...

Forks Republicans must be laughing up their sleeves. Forks Democrats likely don’t even know what hit them yet. They probably figured the two incumbents were unbeatable and now with no candidates at all, the Republicans will be doing the electing at the Primary. They pick two and that’s all we get. No choices in the election for the Democrats!

I think the true fault for this mess rests with now lame duck supervisors Nicholas and Miller, who for self-serving reasons decided not to publicly bow out of the race to allow other Democrats to step forward to replace them. Instead Nicholas and Miller never spoke up either way leaving the County Registrar with the job of announcing their “no run” stance once the nominating petition deadline passed. Their timing to block new candidates was perfect.

These two lame duck officials should be held responsible for whatever happens in the May Primary. Maybe they should sit out the rest of their terms. One wonders if they acted in planed this together. I guess we will never know.

Penn's Ridger said...

Mr. Man (of),
I enjoyed your comments but not so fast if you think Supervisor Miller is going away by the end of the year. He recently got his big fat salary increase as a township employee but before he leaves office he needs one more thing to fix. That is JOB SECURITY for six more years.

The best job security for a Forks employee is to have supervisors on your side. You say you don’t know the other three Republicans running for supervisor, but Miller does. Republican candidates Kevin Wall and Simon Sikora are associated with the Forks Township Athletic Association as is Miller. He controls much of their operation because Miller is the community center manager. I saved the best for last because you spoke of getting rid of patronage. Well, Republican candidate Michelle Rogers is a community center employee hired by Miller. He has it made because it will take two out three candidates which is a no brainer with the Democrats out of the way. He can now retire as supervisor with the job security he wants.