Saturday, October 06, 2007


Forks 1 - Kings Mill 0 = Thursday night's BoS Meeting results.

The 80 +/- attendees were elated. Residents' statements were passionate and convincing enough to sway Supervisor Don Miller from the fence. He picked the side of Forks. His was the deciding vote.

The vote for an "indefinite" continuance was 2:3. The two were Supervisors Ackerman and Hoff. The three were Supervisors Howell, Miller, and Nicholas. The audience appeared unanimous against the motion.

What's next? The Zoning Hearing Board reconvenes on Monday, October 15 and township continues its defense.

Read JD Malone (Express Times) and Tom De Martini (Morning Call) for more details.

1 comment:

r.murphy said...

Forks Rocks!
“Forks rocks” was a comment from the floor at the10/4/2007 BoS meeting, regarding the message it would send to developers about plans that are not consistent with the Forks Township Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. In a 3-2 vote, that defeated the implementation of a resolution intended to suspend litigation and start negotiations with KMRD, Supervisors C. David Howell, Donald Miller, and Bonnie Nicholas resounded that cry. In this well attended meeting, many citizens engaged the Supervisors during the 90 minutes of deliberations on this topic. Notably, all comments were against the resolution. It did not appear to this participant that anyone in the audience was in favor of this resolution.
The defeat of this resolution reinvigorates the Board’s previous vow to “vigorously oppose” KMRD’s litigation. I commend the BoS for having the fortitude and proactive vision to not cave to the saber-rattled schoolyard whims of KMRD. Forks Township Solicitor Karl Kline summed up the stance of the BoS in the Spring issue of the Forks’ Quarterly by stating, “It is the township’s firm belief that the Zoning Ordinance is legal and that it provides an appropriate framework for balanced, rational development.”
Also, and far from least, by defeating this resolution Forks Township sends a clear message to the EASD, Easton, Stockertown, Tatamy, Plainfield Township, LMBT, and UMBT that your concerns are our concerns.
Once again, I applaud the BoS for Thursday night’s decision.
James Wideman