Sunday, August 30, 2009

Public Works Garage - Bidders' Presentations

Reprinted from the FAC website: 

Three architectural firms will make public presentations before the Board of Supervisors.  The three finalists, chosen by the Public Works Standing Committee, were selected from a field of 43 bidders.

The first presentation will be on Monday, August 31st at 7 PM.  The second and third presentations will be on Tuesday, September 1st at 7 PM and 8:15 PM respectively.  All will be held in the Municipal Building meeting room.  All workshops are open to the public. 

Sunday, August 23, 2009

BoS Meeting Notes - 8/20/2009

Regular Meeting (agenda)

The size of a night's agenda has very little to do with the length and importance of a Board of Supervisors' meeting.  On this night, the Board learned that although Strausser Enterprises was seeking a phasing change in the Riverview Recreation Center portion of the golf course community, Strausser no longer owns the land.  It was conveyed a year ago to the master homeowners' association.  The BoS has rejected the phasing request and sent it back to the Planning Commission because the plan did not state the name of the property owners and because all of the phase is not complete.  Please read Tom De Martini (the report has the wrong final motion) Morning Call for more details.

Also on this night, the Forks Historical Society was awarded an amount not to exceed $5,000 for the framing of a historic (Forks) photo exhibition to be hung in the atrium area of the Community Center.  Please read Tony Nauroth, Express Times for more.

The Board also learned that the fire department backpacks and air cylinders are out-of-date and not up to code.  The Board and the audience was told by Supervisor Nicholas that because all Township finances are being carefully watched, there is capital money to release for safer equipment for the fire fighters. 

And, KMRD is back!  They have filed an appeal to the Commonwealth Court of their substantive challenge to Forks zoning ordinance.  The Township has submitted a brief.  Oral argument should be sometime this fall (and probably) in Philadelphia.

Public Comments (non-agenda) - None

Supervisors' Remarks:

Treasurer's Report - Egolf detailed the debits (cash paid out) since the last Supervisors' meeting.  The debits and transfers were approved with a 4:0 vote.  The Township's current outstanding debt is $8,185,310. 

Standing Committee Reports (meetings are open to the public - see the official Township calendar for dates and times)

  • Public Safety - Supervisor Howell - reported that at last week's August meeting, the committee discussed graffiti in general, unregistered cars in public areas, and whether special ordinances versus the existing nuisance ordinance are needed.  At this point, new ordinances are not being recommended by the committee as long as there are prompt responses to complaints.  Also, discussed were:
    • A capital purchase for the fire department.
    • Financial reporting by Suburban EMS (will be every two months).

Supervisor Nicholas commented that the end of Cherry Lane is turning into a dump and she couldn't get her bicycle through.  She noted that there is a truck there with 2004 expired plates.  It was recommended that she send an email to Township Manager Schnaedter and he will forward it to Chief Dorney.

  • Public Works - Supervisor Chuss - reported that the committee worked on processing the the quotes for the RFQ response.  They reduced the number to the top 15 and then invited the top five to a series of interviews this week.  DPW Director Mark Roberts added that since July 17th, the committee has been reviewing statements of the 43 submissions and narrowed them to the top five.  They were interviewed this week.  The committee will further narrow its recommendation for the Board to the top three at its next meeting on September 8th.
  • Parks & Recreation - Supervisor Egolf - explained that because of vacations and other commitments, only he, Miller, and Nicholas were present at the August meeting.  The committee took no actions and will meet in September to "pick up where we left off."  Nicholas added that CMX will come to the 9/17 (BoS) meeting to present the progress on the amphitheater plans.  She asked that progress drawings be sent to the committee for review before they go before the full Board.
  • Community Relations - Supervisor Miller - said that the Township newsletter (Forks Quarterly) is at the publisher and should be in the mail to township homes in 10 days.  Howell remarked that the draft showed that advertising has come a long way since there are ads from businesses outside of Forks.  It shows that Forks is "an economic force for advertisers."
  • Finance and Administration - Supervisor Nicholas - reported that the committee met and reviewed the monthly Township finances and that with all departments tightening their belts, the Township is doing better than the budget projections.  She hopes for even better results at year end.
    • Nicholas asked that Schnaedter send a memo to Supervisors to determine what they want re. "going paperless."
    • Stockertown and the fire department agenda procedures will be reviewed at the next meeting.
    • The police pension plan was reviewed.  According to Finance Manager Farley, "it took a big nose dive last year."  They are pressuring the vendor to maximize opportunities to recover and at this point 30% of the losses are recovered.  The hope is that the rest will come back "slow and steady" as well.
    • The fire department request for capital funds was reviewed (see agenda item below).

The next meeting is scheduled for September 9th at 5:00 PM.  Howell noted that Public Safety also brought up the fire department contract with Stockertown.  He said that a Stockertown councilwoman contacted him for an early resolution to the contract so that they can budget for it especially since they may want a contract for police coverage as well.

Township Manager's Report - Schnaedter - reported that he spoke with the senior project designer for Braden Airport's permit application and the plans will be submitted to the Planning Commission (PC) and discussed at their September 10th meeting.  Nicholas asked for a copy of the plans.  Schnaedter said that they are keeping the current footprint for the terminal and remodeling.  Dean Turner, PC Chairman asked that Supervisors send any airport questions they have to him.

Schnaedter also asked the Board to suggest times and dates for interviews with the architectural firms (for the DPW garage).

Schnaedter said that there is a "kickoff meeting" with CMX scheduled for a 6 PM public workshop before the September 17th BoS meeting.  The PC and Recreation Board are invited.

Engineer's Report - Hay -  reported that he received PennDOT's comments on the Meco/Sullivan traffic light yesterday.  A major Verizon pole on the Leiser and Coldwell Banker property must be relocated.  It may delay the project by three months.  The plans have been submitted to the Simms for their driveway change.

Solicitor's Report - Kline - reported that the two solar power ordinances, one for zoning and one for the SALDO, he prepared were submitted to and approved by the PC.  The BoS will formally get them shortly.

Kline said that he also prepared two historic resource ordinance that were also approved by the PC.  The PC is waiting for the a map and list being prepared by Georgeann Wambold and Larry Kitson.

And, Kline reported that KMRD has filed an appeal to the Commonwealth Court of their substantive challenge to Forks zoning ordinance.  The Township has also submitted its brief and oral argument should take place sometime this fall (likely) in Philadelphia.


Resolution #090820-1 Colosi Company LLC Inter-municipal Liquor License Transfer (Karl Kline, Township Solicitor) - This resolution for the second request for an inter-municipal liquor license transfer was approved in a 5:0 vote.  The public hearing was held on August 6th.  (Ref. BoS Meeting & Liquor License Hearing - Notes - 8/6/2009

Riverview Recreation Center - Revised Phasing Plan (Fred Hay, Township Engineer) - William Hissim, Strausser Enterprises Construction Coordinator presented the Board with two documents which he said proved that this phasing plan was "nothing new" and had been planned all along.

Howell said that he was the only Supervisor at the PC meeting and was not sure he understood the definition of re-phasing in this context.  He asked that Kline refresh the Board on the history and initial phase of the Riverview Recreation Center project.

Kline explained that Strausser Enterprises obtained approval for the Riverview Estates PRD (planned residential development).  And, although the land for the Recreation Center was not part of the PRD, Strausser agreed to provide the Recreation Center.  In 2005 the Riverview Recreation Center plan was submitted as a minor subdivision - that is, two lots, one with the Recreation Center and a road off of Ramblewood and north of that, lot 2. 

When the plan was originally presented, the developer said that there was no immediate plan to put in the road.  In fact, the planned road was changed to a temporary road to come off of Ramblewood and curve south to serve the Recreation Center.  The road and cul de sac are private roads and one of the conditions of the January 19, 2006 approval was that the developer must provide security for the road and the cul de sac.  There was no phasing plan because there were only two lots. 

Phasing can be important because the Township takes the position that all the improvements are to be completed.  Strausser Enterprises wants to complete Ramblewood.  Both Kline and Hay told him that a phasing plan is necessary and must make sense.  Kline noted, "Whenever we can get Mr. Strausser to complete something, it is always a good thing." 

Mr. Hissim remarked that the road for lot 2 is a paper road until the development of lot 2 is decided.  It, therefore, makes no sense to put in sidewalks.

Nicholas noted that the recreation path of phase 1 is not completed.  Hissim said that it is not wanted because it would allow public access to private property.  Kline said that there is an obligation to complete the plan as approved.

Hissim said that the Recreation Center was deeded a year ago to the master Riverview Homeowners' Association.  Nicholas noted that the recreation path should have been removed from the plan (at a meeting of the BoS) before the land transfer.  Kline said that a plan was submitted and representations were made that all improvements had been made but they were not.  Hissim said that they must now talk to the Homeowners' Association.

Kline noted that the problem with Strausser Enterprises is that if they get permission to do something and when they don't want to do it, they don't do it.

Turner (PC) said that the turn-ins (either removed or finished) for the road were only 1/2 of the PC motion.  Hay offered that one of the reasons for the returns is to get it out of the Township right of way.

If the phasing is approved by the BoS, Kline noted, and all of phase one is complete, Keystone will inspect  it and only if everything is done will they issue a certificate of completion.  Without phasing, Strausser will have to maintain that portion of Ramblewood forever.  Kline added that the association could come in and make a case for why the path should not be put in.  Howell said that the reason for the recreation paths was to allow people to walk or bike to the Recreation Center.

Turner said that a plan cannot be accepted with a temporary line since it is not complete.  The conveyance of lot one has complicated the issue.

Hissim said that he has a letter from Jan/Feb/Mar 2008 from the Homeowners' Association that they do not want the recreation path because they do not want the general public accessing the Recreation Center.

Nicholas made a motion not to accept the phasing. 

Kline remarked that in all the meetings he and Hay have had over this issue, they were not informed that Strausser no longer owned the property.  He felt that it would be appropriate to table this and meet with a representative from the association and Hissim at the next BoS meeting.

Nicholas withdrew her motion.  Egolf made a motion to table any action until the owners of the recreation land can be before the Board to answer all the unanswered question.  Nicholas seconded.

In discussion Turner said that normally he is a signer of plans.  He wondered how this can be a legal plan if Strausser doesn't own the land.  (The plan indicates Strausser is the owner).

Kline said that it a very good question since plans must be signed by owners.  Planner David Billings suggested sending the whole thing back in order to have the rightful owners sign the plan for the Planning Commission.

After more discussion, it was determined that the lack of time could result in a "deemed approval."  Nicholas made a motion to reject the plan and send it back to the PC because it did not state the name of the property owners and all of phase 1 is not complete.  Egolf seconded and the motion passed 5:0.

Athletic Fields Grading Bid Award - (Supervisors) - The bids to grade the new athletic fields (the five acres between the Community Center and College Park Estates) are in with Gateway Landscaping at $17,000 as the low bidder.  Bids were as high as $49,000 and Egolf wondered what the Township was not getting at the low bid that it would get at the high bid.  Hay said that the low bid meets the specifications.  Roberts said that the area was mowed this week and is ready to go.

There was a discussion about the naming of the new park area as it has been referred to as College Park Athletic Fields because the land was donated by the developer of College Park Estates.  Gloria Miller (a Dewalt) suggested that it be named Dewalt Park since the Dewalts gave up a lot of money in the sale because of the land swap (between the developer and the Township).

Miller made the motion to accept the low bid.  Egolf seconded and the motion passed 5:0.


Forks Historical Society – Photo/Art Proposal (Rick Schnaedter, Township Manager) - Stanley Price, President of the Forks Historical Society, Gloria Miller, VP, and Margaret Karpin, director of the society's photo-art committee, approached the Board to address their proposal to hang historical photos in the Community Center atrium and to learn the Board's response to their July 2nd presentation.

They hope to start with six 24"x36" matted and framed works.  The cost per photo enlargement is approximately $100-$200.  Ten works matted and framed would run nearly $4,400.  The Society said that they would welcome any assistance offered to defray the cost for what will be an exhibition permanently displayed on Township property in the Community Center atrium area.  The displayed objects may be rotated and changed.  If the exhibition is no longer wanted, it will be returned to the Historical Society.

Nicholas noted that there is distortion in blowups.  Mr. Price explained that there is a decrease in clarity anytime something is enlarged. 

Chuss said that his biggest issue is how much the Township can help.

Egolf wondered if since the this is an artistic enhancement to the recreation building, if recreation monies could be used.  Mr. Price offered that the Historical Society is considered a "passive recreation item."

Ms. Karpin noted that it will be a legacy from the Historical Society to to inform kids of Forks' past 250 years.

Turner (PC Chairman) questioned the use of glass in the area.  Egolf offered that Plexiglas is lighter. 

A motion to fund the Forks Historical Society Photo Art Proposal for an amount not to exceed $5,000 was made by Egolf and seconded by Chuss.  It passed 5:0.

The website Historical Page will be updated with meeting times and contact information. 

Please read Tony Nauroth, Express Times, for more detail.

Release of Capital Funds for Fire Department purchase (Supervisor Nicholas) - Nicholas explained that all capital spending was placed on hold until half way through the 2009 fiscal year.  The Finance & Administration Committee has said that the Township budget is doing well.  The Fire Department has equipment that is out-of-date and not up to code.  They are backpacks and air cylinders.  Nicholas said that the new ones have a lighted gauge to show how much air is left in the cylinder.  She summarized that if the firefighters are not safe, the Supervisors are not doing their job.  A motion to release $47,000 for the updated equipment was made.  Kline asked if this is a COSTARS item and Chief Bryan Weis said that although the vendor is the sole producer, the items are under COSTARS.  The motion passed 5:0.

Executive Session - There was an executive session for a litigation matter and for a personnel issue.  No action was taken and the meeting was adjourned.

Our objective is to relate what is experienced at Forks Township meetings for those who cannot attend. We are attempting to be as factual as we can. If we make a mistake, tell us via email or COMMENT here in the blog, and we will do our best to correct it. We are not perfect. We want to get it right.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

BoS Meeting & Liquor License Hearing - Notes - 8/6/2009

Liquor License Transfer Hearing - Colosi Company, LLC - 7 PM

Attorney Joseph Piperato once again represented the applicant, the Colosi Company, LLC  before the Board of Supervisors in the company's second application for an inter-municipal liquor license transfer for its planned new restaurant in the former My Little Gypsy Rose restaurant/building on North Delaware Drive.  The first hearing was held on March 5th at 6:30 PM and later that evening, the Board approved the transfer.

At the first hearing, Solicitor Karl Kline explained that per PA law, receiving municipalities (of the transferring liquor license) must hold a public hearing

Brandon Colosi and his mother, June Colosi are the principals in the Colosi Group, the new owner of the 1600 North Delaware Drive property.  In March Brandon testified that the only liquor license available in Forks belonged to the former My Little Gypsy Rose and the price asked for it was far above market and paying for it would result in less money available for property improvements.  The license they are now hoping to transfer (into Forks) from Wilson (Toasty's Deli and Restaurant) is priced at less than the Gypsy Rose license and less than the one they originally planned to purchase from Bethlehem.  The first application has been withdrawn.

Attorney Piperato explained that financing was the issue with the first application as Mrs. Colosi's property (the collateral) was appraised at less than the asking price of the Bethlehem license.  The Toasty's license fits the Colosi financing model.

Supervisors were told that so far, the building improvements include a totally remodeled apartment floor, a new front deck, new doors, and the electric and plumbing up to code.  Still to come are landscaping and other items to enhance the outside appeal of the building.

When asked by Chairman Howell about the available (for sale or lease) sign on the building, Brandon Colosi said that it is designed to lure in a partner - that is people who are interested in operating a restaurant but who cannot afford to own one.

Regular Meeting (agenda)

Forks Supervisors began their evening at 7 PM with a liquor license transfer hearing for Colosi Company LLC.  Later, during the regular meeting, they voted to approve the transfer.  Also approved this night was the Crayola solar project and a bid award for the tennis and basketball court replacements.  For more on the solar array, please read Chris Knight's Express Times article.

Public Comments (non-agenda)

  1. Morris Metz - former Supervisor and Richard Garr Road resident praised the professionalism of DPW Director Mark Roberts who sent July letters to residents advising them of road paving for Kline Road, Richard Garr Road, Ayers Road, and Young's Hill Road.  Mr. Metz, on behalf of his family and neighbors, thanked the Board for authorizing the project.
  2. Ty Corallo - FTYSO softball commissioner spoke to the Board to commend the grounds-keeping work of the DPW department under Director Mark Roberts during the two softball tournaments this year in Forks.  Corallo said that both tournaments were very successful and that thanks to the volunteers, the coordination was great.  Eighteen teams from as far as Cape May, NJ were in the (second) tournament.  He said that participants were enthusiastic in their praise of Forks' facilities and want Forks to host more (two to three additional) tournaments next year.  Nicholas asked about the use of port-a-potties.  Corallo said that some were used for the second tournament because there were some issues with the girls restrooms.

Supervisors' Remarks:

  • Supervisor Nicholas - noted that she attended an Eagle Scout ceremony for Don Garvey and presented him with a certificate from the Board.
  • Supervisor Nicholas - said that the Board had correspondence from Braden Airpark about relocating the terminal and the fuel facilities.  She wondered if the terminal will be moved or built new.  The letter has a 30 day deadline for asking questions so she requests that Township Manager Rick Schnaedter write a letter to find out what's going on.  Township Engineer Hay said that he was contacted by McTish Kunkle and he told them to submit a sketch.  Solicitor Kline suggested that Schnaedter contact them and get more information for the Board.  Supervisor Chuss offered that the airport authority met with Schnaedter and he believes that Schnaedter has the information and can explain the project.  Nicholas will follow up with Schnaedter.

Treasurer's Report - Egolf detailed the debits (cash paid out) since the last Supervisors' meeting.  The debits and transfers were approved with a 5:0 vote.  The Township's current outstanding debt is $8,185,310. 

Standing Committee Reports (meetings are open to the public - see the official Township calendar for dates and times)

  • Public Safety - Supervisor Howell - reported that the committee, at their July 21 meeting, discussed the request of the Borough of Stockertown for police coverage assistance from the Township. The committee authorized Schnaedter and Chief Dorney to begin preliminary discussions.  Dorney has requested police call activity from Stockertown along with the Borough's financial commitment to their police department for 2009. To date, no information has been received nor discussions held.  Nicholas asked how Forks anticipates police coverage of Stockertown - with additional officers or simply with overtime?  Howell said that Dorney is preparing recommendations based on that very question.  The next committee meeting is August 18 at 8 AM.
  • Public Works - Supervisor Chuss - reported that the committee has not met since the last BoS meeting.  DPW Director Roberts said that 43 responses - all from good engineering firms - have been received for the RFQ on the public works garage.  He has narrowed the field to five and will cut it to three for presentation to the Board.  References are in the process of being reviewed and site visits will be scheduled.  Roberts also announced that Dave Bonser and Randy Temples have passed the license exam for running the pump station.  Nicholas asked that Schnaedter send a letter to them.
  • Parks & Recreation - Supervisor Egolf - reported that the Community Park outdoor exercise stations are being installed.  Roberts said that the eight stations are in fact set up and that mulch will be added tomorrow.  The next committee meeting is August 10 at 6 PM.
  • Community Relations - Supervisor Miller - said that there was no meeting since the last BoS meeting and that the next is scheduled for August 10 at 5 PM.
  • Finance and Administration - Supervisor Nicholas - said that there was no meeting since the last BoS meeting and the next is scheduled for August 12 at 5 PM.  She thanked Tim Weis for putting the Comprehensive Plan on the (Supervisors') paperless section of the server.  Chuss asked about non-hardware specific access to the server for Supervisors who do not choose to use the Township provided laptops.  Farley said that the vendor is looking into Internet based password protected access.  Egolf said that the initial intent of going paperless was to handle large documents.

Township Manager's Report - Schnaedter - on vacation.  No report.

Engineer's Report - Hay -  reported that the sewer rehabilitation project on Old Mill is underway and that that Indian Trail line will be next.  He said that the residents have been cooperative and understanding.  Hay said, too, that Keystone is designing the new PennDOT allowed Sullivan Trail driveway for the Simms residence - where the Meco/Sullivan signal will eventually be.  And, the Penn's Ridge basketball court was laid out wrong and has been re-staked back to the original site plan.  Work on it will start tomorrow.

Solicitor's Report - Kline - reported that he has drafted two historic resource ordinances, one for the Zoning Ordinance and one for the SALDO.  They have been sent to the Planning Commission for review at the next August meeting. 

Howell said that he is pleased that the Township is going ahead with historic preservation ordinances.  He added that it is a sad day in Forks Township when another barn is lost and noted that Lafayette College has taken down one of the most beautiful barns in Forks and the timbers are being salvaged for a barn in New Jersey.  Howell said that the ad hoc Comprehensive Plan committee met with Lafayette a few months ago and asked them what was planned.  There was no mention of the barn at Newlins and Sullivan.

Nicholas reminded the Board that there is an agreement with the Bushkill Conservancy over what can be done in the 100 year flood plain - where part of the Lafayette property is.


Binney & Smith Solar Power Land Development Project (Karl Kline, Township Solicitor) - Kline reviewed the Fotowatio/Crayola history from a year ago when expedited approval was requested so that tax credits could be used.  The new plan has very few changes - basically all to be treated as field changes.  Kline said that the land development agreement has been signed by PPL Renewable Energy and by UGI (the new developers) and that all is in order for the Board to sign so that the project can move forward. 

Howell asked about the stormwater requirement and Kline said that Northampton County (Conservation District) originally indicated that there was little earth disturbance and therefore a sedimentation plan etc. were unneeded.  However, the County may now require a permit or a waiver which could delay the project.

The vote to approve the Binney & Smith request was 5:0.

For more, please read Chris Knight's Express Times article. 

Selection of Earned Income Tax Representatives (Jim Farley, Finance Manager) - Act 32 has established 67 Earned Income Tax (EIT) collection districts throughout Pennsylvania.  Each municipality in PA will no longer collect its own EIT after 2012. To prepare for this significant collection change, each taxing unit must select a principal and an alternate tax representative to attend meetings in their respective taxing districts in preparation the collection change. The Board voted 5-0 to appoint Township Manager Schnaedter as the principal and Finance Manager Farley as the alternate.


Liquor License Transfer (Karl Kline, Township Solicitor) - The Board voted 5:0 to recommend the liquor license transfer.

Riverview Recreation Center – Revised Phasing Plan (Tim Weis, Zoning Officer) - Tabled in a 5:0 vote.  Howell noted that there was considerable discussion and some unanswered questions about sidewalk completion and the recreation entrance driveway/road at the Planning Commission meeting, when this matter was first presented.  The PC then referred (with a 4-3 vote) the matter to the BoS for action.  Howell felt (as did Chuss) that a Strausser representative should present the request directly to the Board and not through township staff members.

Comprehensive Plan (Dean Turner, Planning Commission Chairman) - Planning Commission (PC) Chairman Dean Turner and Vice Chairman Vito Tamborrino addressed the Board regarding the status of the now final draft of the Comprehensive Plan.  The electronic and print copies have been received and distributed to the Board. 

Forks Supervisors voted 5:0 to send copies of the draft Comprehensive Plan to the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission, contiguous municipalities, and the Easton Area School District for their review and comments.

All comments are due back to the Township within 45 days.  After that, some corrections and changes may be incorporated and then there will be a public hearing.  The draft plan will be available to the public on the Township website as "soon as technically possible."

Supervisors are awaiting the correction of typos and other grammatical errors by URDC (Urban Research & Development), the Township's Comprehensive Plan consultant.

Community Park Court Rehabilitation (Mark Roberts, DPW Director and Fred Hay, Township Engineer) - Hay said that the low bidder at the bid opening was Lehigh Valley Site Contractors with a bid of $99,900.  This is for redoing the basketball and tennis courts at the Community Park.  Nicholas asked about a warrantee and was told it would be 18 months. 

Chuss asked what the balance of the recreation fund is considering that this money is coming from it.  Farley said that he will get that figure but his guess is $1.6 million.

Chuss then asked what the status of the five year recreation plan is and Egolf said that Ed Moore is willing to make revisions but there is no electronic copy.  Farley offered that the Recreation Board has restricted fund accounts and one of them has money to help offset the court(s) work.

Nicholas asked that signs be posted around the new courts warning that bicycles and skateboards are prohibited. 

The vote was 5:0 to award the contract.

College Park Athletic Fields Grading (Fred Hay, Township Engineer) - Mr. Hay acknowledged that Keystone ENGINEERING failed to timely publicly advertise the bid package legal notice and therefore it was not advertised in time for this to be acted upon.  There was discussion about who was responsible (for this omission.)  Hay said that he was on vacation and did not realize that his co-worker had not followed through on the legal notice.  It is being taken care of now and bids should still be awarded in time for grass planting season.

Executive Session - There was no executive session and the meeting was adjourned.

Our objective is to relate what is experienced at Forks Township meetings for those who cannot attend. We are attempting to be as factual as we can. If we make a mistake, tell us via email or COMMENT here in the blog, and we will do our best to correct it. We are not perfect. We want to get it right.