Sunday, April 27, 2008

Round 21 - Kings Mill/KMRD - A Technicality Forces Do-Over!

Yes, that is correct.  A technicality forced the postponement of Round 21 of the King's Mill/KMRD zoning challenge hearing.  The court recorder, an essential participant, was a no-show.  Hearings cannot be held if there is no court recorder. 

The Zoning Hearing Board (ZHB) and its solicitor, Michael Shay were there.  The Township attorneys, Stephen Goudsouzian and Karl Kline were there.  The witness, Charlie Schmehl of URDC was there.  The appellant's council, Kellie McGowan was there.  Even a few residents were there. 

Calls were made to the court recorder - voice mail answered - and, as a result, after one half hour of waiting, the meeting was convened (so it could be canceled), and a postponement was declared. 

The do-over of Round 21 (now Round 21.5) is planned for Wednesday, May 14th at 7:30 PM.

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