Thursday, May 31, 2007

KMRD - Defense Began 5/21/07

KMRD Update: The Township began its defense in Round 12 on May 21st with two witnesses, Margaret Dissinger, VP of Land Development for Omega Homes (Penn's Ridge) and Jeffrey Bader, EASD Business Manager. Dissinger testified that although Omega intended to build apartments, market conditions changed and the money to be made was in townhouses. Bader testified that the annual per student cost, exclusive of buildings, is approximately $12,000. School tax money realized from a typical townhouse is $2,500 - a net deficit of approximately $9,500! If the townhouse has two students, that deficit becomes $21,500 - $9,500 for the first student + $12,000 for each additional one. Bader also that a development of this size could double our school taxes! Not kidding - he said DOUBLE! Please read Christina Georgiou's thorough coverage of the testimony in the May 24, 2007 edition of The Easton News.

The Township will present more witnesses at the next
session on June 18.

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