Saturday, November 20, 2010

2011 Budget Approval

On a 5 to 0 vote, the board tentatively approved the 2011 budget. The  2011 budget will be posted on the Forks Township website and must be made available for public inspection for 20 days prior to final adoption.

More than likely, the final 2011 budget will be approved at the December 16, 2010 BoS meeting.

Going Green

The Forks Township public works department will be hard at work planting new trees. The plan is to plant 20 to 25 trees this fall in various locations throughout our community

Friday, November 05, 2010

BoS Debates Proposed Historical Ordinance


Read Tony Nauroth of the Express-Times account of the Bos public discussion with the Forks Planning Commission and many township residents regarding the latest draft of the Historical Ordnance.

It was very interesting debate, as all of the property owners wanted a voluntary program to preserve historical properties within Forks Township.